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Bayside Community Day School is an attendance school.  Under California Ed Code, students attending Bayside must be in classes 360 minutes each day.  If a student is absent or comes tardy (late) to school, the student is expected to make up the time missed after school during the school's 7th period Intervention that same day. 

If a student is unable to attend school, the parent has three ways to notify the school of the reason for the absence and the dates of absence: 

  • call the school's attendance clerk at (951)571-7890, extension 39015 to report the absence.
  • send a note with the student or the parent may e-mail
  • send a FAX to (951) 571-7891
  • notes and/or Faxes must be signed and dated by the parent or guardian of record

 Students are required to submit a re-admit slip (pass) to return to class.  Re-admit slips are issued at the attendance window before school, at lunch, and after school.  Students have 3 days to clear up an absence. 

Legally Excused Absences (Education Code Section 48205)

A student may be excused legally from school when the absence is due to:

  • Personal illness or injury
  • Quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer
  • Medical, dental, optometry or chiropractic services
  • Attendance at funeral services for a member of the immediate family
  • Student Jury duty

Some valid reasons for absences that are not legally excused under education code are as follows, but are not limited to: 

  • Court appearance
  • Religious holiday or ceremony
  • Employment interview or conference
  • Attendance at funeral services for someone not a member of the immediate family
  • Family emergencies

If the student needs to leave during school hours, a note must be presented by the student to the attendance office before the student is released.  If we are not able to contact the parent or guardian to verify the note, the student will not be released.           

If the parent or guardian wants to check a student out of school early, the parent/guardian must come into the Office in person and provide identification.  Students will not be released to anyone who is not listed on the emergency card.  Checking identification and calling your student out of class takes time…be sure to allow enough time for us to get your student from class.  Early release requests from walk-in parents/guardians will not be accepted after 3:00 pm.  

Karen Mondragon

Clerk I (Bilingual)
Bayside Community Day School
951-571-7890, Ext. 39015