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About our School


Bayside's PBIS reward program is aligned with our school-wide behavior expectations that are incorporated in daily morning announcements.

Passion for Learning
              Students will develop a life-long pursuit of knowledge.
              Students will think critically and be problem solvers.

Respect for Yourself, Community and the Environment
              Students will develop pride in themselves.
              Students will care for their community and environment.

Integrity in All Things
              Students will be ethical in decision-making.
              Students will have personal accountability.

Dedication to Growth
              Students will be technologically proficient and adaptable.
              Students will be successful, independent and collaborative

Excellence in Everything
              Students will be held to high academic standards.
              Students will set and achieve goals for themselves.


Established in 1996, Bayside is one of six Alternative Education programs offered within the Moreno Valley Unified School District.   Unique among the state’s community day schools, Bayside was established to help students who have either:

  1. been declared truant through the SARB process and are at risk of not graduating for attendance reasons,
  2. are severely credit deficient and need to catch up in credits, or
  3. are expelled and in their junior or senior year of high school.  

Once students attending Bayside have completed their expulsion or if here for credit deficiency and/or attendance reasons and have caught up on their graduation credits, they have the option of applying to return to their comprehensive high school or continue on and graduate from Bayside.  Bayside currently serves a maximum of 198 students with a maximum of 24 students per class.

Bayside logo

Who We Serve

Bayside Community Day School proudly serves 118 students in the 11th and 12th grades at risk of not graduating high school for reasons of attendance, credit deficiency, and/or expulsion.

Student Group Number Percentage
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 104 88.1%
Emergent Bilinguals
(English Learners)
32 27.1%
Students with Disabilities 0 0%
Students in Foster Care 0 0%

*These numbers reflect the 2023-2024 report on Dataquest. DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s web-based data reporting system for publicly reporting information about California students, teachers, and schools. 

Ethnicity Number Percentage
African American 9 7.6%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 0%
Asian 1 0.8%
Filipino 0 0%
Hispanic or Latino 100 84.7%
Pacific Islander 0 0%
White 4 3.4%
Two or More Races 2 1.7%
Not Reported 2 1.7%

*These numbers reflect the 2023-2024 report on Dataquest. DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s web-based data reporting system for publicly reporting information about California students, teachers, and schools.